Experience Smooth GST Return Filing like never before

GST Return filing starts from
Rs. 300 per month only

Just whatsapp or mail below documents for return filling month :


Simple excel file containing sale purchase data

Once documents & fees are received by us, we file GSTR on same day.

Asset 1

GST Act has interest, late fee and penalty provisions for late filers of GST, which are calculated per day basis. Hence non filing can land you into monetary loss

Financial institutions track GST Filing while giving loans, hence maintaining a good record is must

Regular filing increases your business track record.

For Returns with Data-  We charge only Rs 500 per month for GSTR 3B Filing.

 (GSTR1 and annual return is FREE with annual subscription plan)

* For Nil Returns- We charge only Rs 300 per month.

We are an ISO Certified company and backed up by a well-known CA Firms expertise.

We give free consultation about which entity to choose or is best for your business.

We give free reminders and timely updates for GST Filing and help you comply in time

We resolve any online query received during the process.

Our pricing is transparent and we clearly communicate the same

Experienced team members with 15 plus years’ experience and prompt communication.

Consultaxx Company Registration Office in Pune :

Karvenagar Office

Mundhwa Office

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